Weary for the Gospel



We met a pastor in China who was probably about 45 who wore a T-shirt and jeans and he looked tired.  It turns out that he had reason to be tired. On the first day of our Bibles for China Bible distribution he met us and rode with us to our first site, but could not stay because he had to teach a couple of Bible Studies. That night we saw him at a training center for young Christians teaching again. The next two days he was with us at each stop where we were observing the distribution of Bibles. People knew him and greeted him as he arrived and he watched and grinned as the people he loved and served received God’s Word. You could see the joy in His heart. We covered hundreds of miles and visited 15 churches and watched as thousands of Bibles were handed to thousands of rural Chinese Christians. He was there at almost every stop.

The pastors in rural China are stretched very thin since many have dozens of churches to serve. There is a revival in rural China and they struggle to teach and disciple their growing congregations. This is even more difficult when most do not have their own copy of the Bible. Now that many of the Christians they serve have a new Bible, our friend  knows that most will read them and they will grow in their faith. He also knows that through this many more will come to know Jesus as their Savior, and that means more work for him. He is probably still tired, but I don’t think he minds.

We are seeking to provide more and more Bibles in rural China. If you would like to be a part of our mission and the story that God is writing in China, please visit our donate page at biblesforchina.org/donate.  You can help change the world for God’s glory with His written Word.