Dear Friends,
I pray that this finds you doing well, but if you are struggling a bit with what is going on in the world, or in your personal life, I surely understand. There are a lot of things that might cause you to be a little uneasy. Maybe you are watching the events that are happening in China and around the world and some of these events cause you concern about the long term prospects of peace. Maybe you see a decline in the moral compass of the world in which we live and you wonder when the freefall might end. Maybe your family is facing a crisis that causes you to ask deep questions of faith as you wonder if God really cares and is in control. Life is hard! The reality is that it always has been and it always will be.
In this ever-changing world in which we live we continue to be confident that the word of God is powerful and effective. We began this ministry with the strong conviction that if someone receives a Bible, if they read that Bible, and if they respond to the truth it contains, it has the power to transform. The prophet Isaiah tells us that God’s “word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” (Isaiah 55:11) This is why we do what we do. The frustrations that we face because we live in an uncertain world are eased when we allow the truth of God’s Word to do its work in our hearts and in our world.
Scripture tells us this, “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12) Thank you for helping us fund Bibles to all parts of China! The Word of God is making a difference! We see that it is so, but the Bible itself promises it will! God bless you for what you have done and will continue to do in the lives of our brothers and sisters in China as you continue to support the work of Bibles for China.
Some of you will receive this piece of communication in the mail. We do a mailing a few times a year just to make sure we are connecting with everyone that supports this ministry. Feel free to pass this along to a friend.
Thank you for your trust and support of what we do. Doors continue to remain open in spite of many challenges in China. As long as opportunity exists, we will keep funding the distribution of the Word of God so lives, families, communities, and nations may be transformed by the truth it contains.
In Service Together,
Kurt Rovenstine
President-Bibles for China