What a privilege it has been to be a part of Bibles for China since its beginning stages in March of 2010. My involvement at that point was being in China as a consultant prior to serving as the President. I have never felt that this ministry was mine. Its success is nothing for which I, nor the staff, board, or partners can take credit. We each realize that our position consists of what God does for the Chinese people through the faithfulness of our gracious partners and is orchestrated and driven by Him.
This is the perfect time for me to share with each of you, as our partners, a little about what I am sensing and feeling regarding the future ministry of Bibles for China. God has given tremendous opportunity in the past for me to be able to serve the kingdom as a pastor, college administrator, and as director of crusade opportunities in cities where Franklin Graham and other Billy Graham Evangelistic Association evangelists served to reach others for Christ. I have also served as a consultant for seven nonprofit organizations, one of which was the Voice of China and Asia Missionary Society.
It was while I was with VOCA that the Lord stirred my heart to invest in the Chinese people. At the time I turned 70 years old I was on a trip to distribute Bibles with funds that had been provided specifically for that purpose. I’ll never forget the love and happiness I felt for the people on the day we were providing Bibles in rural churches. As I shared in one of the churches God assured me that I should let them know that I had no idea that there was such a need for Bibles. I realized that unless someone seized the passion and vision of providing funds for the purchase of Bibles, there would be no way that many of them would ever have the joy of reading and sharing with others their need to make a decision for Christ. I told them that I’d return to the States and assign myself the task of finding ways to give others the opportunity to join in and assist in meeting this significant need for Bibles.
It was on this trip that I was able to visit the plant and operation of Amity Press in Nanjing, Jiangsu, China with its 398,265 sq ft facility. Amity, through the Three Self Patriotic Movement (TSPM) and China Christian Council (CCC), has been able to secure 4,000,000 Bibles each year for Chinese Christians in registered churches through the provincial church leaders. It was during this time frame that we showed up in rural China serving alongside wonderful and committed church leaders who preached and trained disciples. Churches in the area shared the joy of Christ and were talking about their opportunities to take the gospel to many areas where we were unable to go. This gave us a sense of urgency to know that we needed to help furnish Bibles for them to share with the Christians where they were providing leadership in the churches they served.
As a result of that trip, the process of establishing Bibles for China began. My journey towards helping establish the amazing organization of Bibles for China would not have happened if it weren’t for the many providential opportunities the Lord provided. I’m happy to say that the Lord has placed in the hearts of the President and leadership team the assurance that this ministry will continue to grow and thrive. One of our sons, Kurt, who is the lead pastor of a local church, accompanied us on numerous trips to China and is now the Bible passionate president of the organization. We also have a supportive board with a great staff who minister and give guidance to our partners.
I’m happy to be able to step into the potential open doors that await this octogenarian and plan to continue being available in order to live, love and pray for God’s continued blessing. Jim Elliott (whose life was taken because of his faith while on a mission field) gave the ultimate sacrifice to make a difference for Christ. He said “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.” May this be the case with each of us.