Those who go with Bibles for China always come home with something that stirs their heart. On one of our trips a team member was touched while attending a service in the central church celebrating the joy of His Word distributed after being in the villages surrounding this church. When it was time for the service to begin the pastor and those participating in the service all gathered for a time of prayer and at the precise time for the service to begin the platform participants started down the aisle toward the platform, followed by the choir singing as the church bell rang throughout the city. The wonderful presence of the Lord, the singing, and message were certainly God ordained. Following the message, which was on tithing, the leader of the area churches ordained an individual to serve the Lord in ministry. At the end of the service the team member was permitted to bring greetings and express appreciation for those from over 41 countries who support and pray for those who received a Bible. It was a delight to be able to observe the pleasure of the local leaders who were able to give Bibles to those in attendance while listening to words of encouragement and expressions of joy for all that the Lord has done through his Word. It was a glorious and memorable time to see and feel God’s presence. The Holy Spirit is at work in the world!