In one of the churches we visited, we were welcomed by people lined up along the walkway, joyfully singing to us as we walked inside. The choir sang for us during the service, accompanied by an accordion and led by the choir director. The people had beautiful voices and sang with all their hearts. When they sang “Blest Be the Tie,” our group sang with them, each in our own language. As I sang with tears of joy streaming down my face, I thought,
“This is a preview of heaven, where every tribe and language and people and nation worship the Lord together at the throne.”

God showed me the beauty of the body of Christ loving each other, serving each other, praying for one another, worshiping together, fellowshipping together, bearing each other’s burdens. Worshiping the Lord with our Chinese brothers and sisters made me long for heaven where every race, tongue, tribe, and nation will worship together at the throne, the sorrows of this world in the past, being together with Jesus.
There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Gal. 3:28