With God, Nothing is Impossible

“Psalm 119:105 says, “Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.” I cannot imagine one day without God’s Word and so many of the folks in this rural area of China cannot imagine one day with a copy of God’s Word. The Christians are very hungry for God’s Word. They long for the Bible’s guidance that we so often take for granted. There were many, many stories today of believers who have known Christ for years but never had their own copy of God’s Word until now. What a gift you have provided for these precious believers when you gave a financial gift that allowed them to receive a copy of God’s Word!

“Thanks for your prayers for our team. Today was an amazing day. The crowds were overflowing at each church and the believers were so very grateful. Some have told us that the great distance we traveled to watch them receive a Bible shows them how much God loves them and that is part of the value of the gift. The local leadership told us if they had really let everyone know that we had free Bibles there would have been hundreds more there to get a Bible. The need for Bibles was never more evident to me than on this trip. The leaders gave us some statistics on the numbers of people that still need a Bible in just this one small area of China and our task seems impossible but we trust God and truly believe that with God nothing is impossible.”

Please continue to pray for Bibles for China. We cannot thank you enough for your generous gifts that purchase these Bibles and your prayers that open the doors for them to receive them. If you want to help financially you can donate at our website.