Jerry B. Jenkins photo“What could be more valuable ministry than getting the Bible to these precious souls? The Scripture itself says the Word will not return void. I love what you’re doing in China.”

Jerry B. Jenkins, author of LEFT BEHIND series, and many more.,,





Peggy Campbell photo“For those of us over 50, what a fascinating story we have seen unfold in China over the past decades. After years of closure, we now send a steady stream of men and women intent on building a relationship as our “global village” becomes reality. We send students. We send tourists. We send diplomats. We send entrepreneurs. We send musicians. But for those of us who understand that it is only the Word of God that truly transforms hearts and minds, it is delivering Bibles in China that gives us the hope that this once dark and vast country might become a great light for Truth. May the Lord continue to give this work success … knowing that the sowing of Scripture reaps rich reward!”

Peggy Campbell President, Ambassador Advertising


Philip Yancey photo“I have met leaders of the unregistered (underground churches) who risk arrest by training thousands in Bible schools and seminaries. I have met pastors who have spent 23, 25, even 30 years in prison because of their Christian activities. I have heard from house church leaders who move their worship site from place to place every week, and of believers in rural areas who still bury Bibles to hide them from authorities. Now, due to loosening restrictions, Bibles can legally be printed and distributed in China. Yet the need remains enormous. There are probably 100 million Christians in China, and many subsist on far too little income to afford an entire Bible. We hear often that the 21st century is “the Chinese century,” and Bibles for China is reaching out strategically to spread God’s Word to this newly powerful and dynamic nation.”

Philip Yancey, author


Stuart Briscoe photo“Anyone who is interested in the modern world has to be fascinated with the remarkable phenomenon called contemporary China. In the more than thirty years that have elapsed since I first visited the then backward country the most remarkable transformation has taken place. Not so long ago everyone wore drab Mao clothes now the cities are ablaze with colorful fashions, once they rode on their bicycles now the streets are choked with luxury cars, once their buildings were in a state of decay and disrepair now skyscrapers grow like mushrooms. At the same time anyone even vaguely interested in the modern church has to be enthralled with what he/she hears of the burgeoning fellowships, of the staggering statistics concerning the growth and impact of the church, of the bewildering stories of imprisoned pastors and of converted party members has to be knit in heart with the people of this great land. China is on the move, she wants to be part of the modern world and the Church of Christ is on the move too – and wants to be part of the universal church too. We should partner with them.”

Stuart Briscoe, author, speaker, broadcaster.


Phil Vischer photo“My great grandfather R. R. Brown traveled to China back in the 1950s to preach God’s Word as a guest evangelist. Things were much easier back then, but the hunger for God’s Word in China is as strong as ever. Bibles for China is doing fantastic work, and I support the organization wholeheartedly.”

Phil Vischer Creator of VeggieTales and What’s in the Bible?





Ruth Graham photo“My mother spent the first 18 years of her life in China. As a young girl my bedtime stories were of China. We heard stories of people hungering for the Word of God and down through the years my mother kept track of any shred of news that leaked from Communist China about the Church. She would tell me of people sharing a precious copy of the forbidden Bible by tearing out pages and memorizing them then pass the pages on to another. It thrilled us when we learned that the government allowed for the printing and distribution of Bibles. At last! Bibles are still urgently needed for China. With a population of almost one and a half billion people, there are still many without a copy of God’s Word. Bibles for China is diligently working to fill the void. I am grateful for them as they work tenaciously to come alongside the Chinese people to give them the Word of God.”

Ruth Graham, author and speaker, daughter of Dr. Billy and Ruth Bell Graham



Joel Yount photo

“I am honored to endorse Bibles For China based on their history, integrity, and commitment to providing Christian believers in China with God’s word. Bibles for China is a 501c3 non-profit ministry, committed to providing Bibles to rural Chinese Christians, openly and legally. BFC utilizes creative online methods of connecting to current and future supporters with updates. A great ministry to sow into for the Kingdom of God!”

Joel Yount Contributor for the Spirit Fuel Network







Dr Erwin Lutzer photo“The Church in China teaches us a lesson that we all need to hear: the most successful way to transform society is to spread the message of redemption as found in the Bible. To distribute this Book is to let the people hear the voice of God for themselves, and come to know our Savior through faith in the message of the cross. Bibles For China is an organization we can all confidently support, knowing our investment reaps eternal dividends! I commend this ministry to you with deep gratitude for its vision and impact.”

Dr. Erwin Lutzer, Senior Pastor, Moody Church, Chicago






Phil Cooke photo“There are some great humanitarian organizations in the world bringing food, medical care, and other important necessities to people in need. But we can’t forget the critical importance of the Bible in the transformation of people and communities. Bibles for China is doing a remarkable job making that happen, and it’s making a dramatic impact throughout that country.”

Phil Cooke, filmmaker, media consultant, and author of “Jolt!”: Get the Jump on a World That’s Constantly Changing.